All Peer-reviewed Publications

Displaying 738 Publications

Antimicrobial resistance: a concise update

Ho CS, Wong CTH, Aung TT, Lakshminarayanan R, Mehta JS, Rauz S, McNally A, Kintses B, Peacock SJ, de la Fuente-Nunez C, Hancock REW, Ting DSJ. (2024) Lancet Microbe 100947: 10.1016/j.lanmic.2024.07.010 Free article

Gene Expression Profiling in Pediatric Appendicitis

Dhillon, Bhavjinder K; Kortbeek, Simone; Baghela, Arjun; Brindle, Mary; Martin, Dori-Ann; Jenne, Craig N; Vogel, Hans J; Lee, Amy H Y; Thompson, Graham C; Hancock, Robert E W (2024) JAMA Pediatrics DOI10.1001/jamapediatrics.2023.6721

Antibiofilm and immunomodulatory resorbable nanofibrous filing for dental pulp regenerative procedures

Mauricio Gonçalves da Costa Sousa, Gabriela Conceição de Almeida, Danilo César Martins Mota, Rosiane Andrade da Costa, Simoni Campos Dias, Samuel Nunes Limberger, Frank Ko, Li Ting Lin, Evan F. Haney, Hashem Etayash, Beverlie Baquir, Michael J. Trimble, Ya Shen, Zheng Su, Markus Haapasalo, Daniel Pletzer, Letícia Chaves de Souza, Gláucia Schuindt Teixeira, Renato M. Silva, Robert E.W. Hancock, Octavio Luiz Franco, Taia Maria Berto Rezende, (2022) Bioactive Materials 16: 173-186

Systems Biology Methods Applied to Blood and Tissue for a Comprehensive Analysis of Immune Response to Hepatitis B Vaccine in Adults

Ben-Othman R, B Cai, AC Liu, N Varankovich, D He, TM Blimkie, AH Lee, EE Gill, M Novotny, B Aevermann, S Drissler, CP Shannon, S McCann, K Marty, G Bjornson, RD Edgar, D Tse S Lin, N Gladish, J Maclsaac, N Amenyogbe, Q Chan, A Llibre, J Collin, E Landais, K Le, SM Reiss, WC Koff, C Havenar-Daughton, M Heran, B Sangha, D Walt, M Krajden, S Crotty, D Sok, B Briney, DR Burton, D Duffy, LJ Foster, WW Mohn, MS Kobor, SJ Tebbutt, RR Brinkman, RH Scheuermann, R.E.W. Hancock , TR Kollmann, M Sadarangani (2020) Front. Immunol. 11: 580373 PDF

The use of host defense peptides in root canal therapy in rats

Lima SMF, Freire MS, Cantuária APC, Martins DCM, Amorim IA, Dantas EMGL, Farias JO, Castro MB, Silva JS, Barriviera FA, Barriviera M, Almeida JA, Uehara IA, Silva MJB, Oliveira APL, Silva ON, Hancock REW, Franco OL, Rezende TMB. (2020) Clin Oral Investig. 25: 3623-3632

Ivacaftor or lumacaftor/ivacaftor treatment does not alter the core CF airway epithelial gene response to rhinovirus

De Jong, Emma; Luke W. Garratt, Kevin Looi, Amy H.Y. Lee, Kak-Ming Ling, Maren L. Smith, Reza Falsafi, Erika N. Sutanto, Jessica Hillas, Thomas Iosifidis, Kelly M. Martinovich, Nicole C. Shaw, Samuel T. Montgomery, Elizabeth Kicic-Starcevich, Francis J. Lannigan, Shyan Vijayasekaran, Robert E.W. Hancock, Stephen M. Stick, Anthony Kicic, CF AREST, (2020) J Cyst Fibros 19(4): 10.1016/j.jcf.2020.07.004

Systems biology methods applied to blood and tissue for a comprehensive analysis of immune response to hepatitis B vaccine in adults.

Ben-Othman, R., B Cai, A. Liu, N. Varankovich, D. He, T.M Blimkie, A.H. Lee, E.E. Gill, M. Novotny, B. Aevermann, S. Drissler, C.P. Shannon, S. McCann, K. Marty, G. Bjornson, R.D. Edgar, N. Gladish, D.T.S. Lin, J. MacIsaac, N.A. Amenyogbe, Q. Chan, A. Llibre, C. Joyce, E. Landais, K. Le, S.M. Reiss, C. Havenar-Daughton, M. Heran, B. Sangha, D. Walt, M. Krajden, S. Crotty, D. Sok, B. Briney, D. Burton, D. Duffy, L.J. Foster, W.W. Mohn, M.S. Kobor, S.J. Tebbutt, R.R. Brinkman, R.H. Scheuermann, R.E.W. Hancock, T.R. Kollmann, and M. Sadarangani. (2020) Front. Immunol. 11: 580373 PDF

The value of antimicrobial peptides in the age of resistance

Magana, Maria; Muthuirulan Pushpanathan, Ana L Santos, Leon Leanse, Michael Fernandez, Anastasios Ioannidis, Marc A Giulianotti, Yiorgos Apidianakis, Steven Bradfute, Andrew L Ferguson, Artem Cherkasov, Mohamed N Seleem, Clemencia Pinilla, Cesar de la Fuente-Nunez, Themis Lazaridis, Tianhong Dai, Richard A Houghten, Robert E W Hancock, George P Tegos (2020) Lancet Infect. Dis. 9:

Clinical Protocol for a Longitudinal Cohort Study Employing Systems Biology to Identify Markers of Vaccine Immunogenicity in Newborn Infants in The Gambia and Papua New Guinea

Idoko, Olubukola T; Kinga K Smolen, Oghenebrume Wariri, Abdulazeez Imam, Casey P Shannon, Tida Dibassey, Joann Diray-Arce, Alansana Darboe, Julia Strandmark, Rym Ben-Othman, Oludare A Odumade, Kerry McEnaney, Nelly Amenyogbe, William S Pomat, Simon van Haren, Guzmán Sanchez-Schmitz, Ryan R Brinkman, Hanno Steen, R.E.W. Hancock , Scott J Tebbutt, Peter C Richmond, Anita H J van den Biggelaar, Tobias R Kollmann, Ofer Levy, Al Ozonoff, Beate Kampmann (2020) Front. Pediatr. 8:197: 10.3389/fped.2020.00197 PDF

AB569, a nontoxic chemical tandem that kills major human pathogenic bacteria

McDaniel, CT; Warunya Panmanee, Geoffrey L. Winsor, Erin Gill, Claire Bertelli, Michael J. Schurr, Prateek Dongare, Andrew T. Paul, Seung-Hyun B. Ko, Gee W. Lau, Nupur Dasgupta, Amy L. Bogue, William E. Miller, Joel E. Mortensen, David B. Haslam, Phillip Dexheimer, Daniel A. Muruve, Bruce J. Aronow, Malcolm D. E. Forbes, Marek Danilczuk, Fiona S. L. Brinkman, Robert E. W. Hancock, Thomas J. Meyer, and Daniel J. Hassett (2020) PNAS 117(9): 4921-4930

Dynamic molecular changes during the first week of human life follow a robust developmental trajectory

Lee, A. H., Shannon, C. P., Amenyogbe, N., Bennike, T. B., Diray-Arce, J., Idoko, O. T., Gill EE, Ben-Othman R, Pomat WS, van Haren SD, Le Cao KA, Cox M, Darboe A, Falsafi R, Ferrari D, Harbenson DJ, He D, Bing C, Hinshaw SJ, Ndure J, Nije-Jobe J, Pettengill MA, Richmond PC, Ford R, Saleu G, Masiria G, Matlam JP, Kirarock W, Roberts E, Malek M, Sanchez-Smitz G, Sing A, Angelidou A, Smolen KK, The EPIC Consortium, Brinkman RR, Ozonoff A, Hancock REW, van der Biggelaar AHJ, Steen H, Tebbutt SJ, Krampmann B, Levy O, Kollmann, T. R. (2019) Nature 10: 1092 PDF

2-Deoxyglucose modulates innate defence regulator peptide activity.

Afacan N.J., A. Hilchie, E.E. Gill, R. Falsafi, R.E.W. Hancock. (2016) Cellular Immunology and Immunotherapeutics. 2(1): 1-8

Synthetic antibiofilm peptides.

de la Fuente-Núñez, C., M.H.  Cardoso, E. de Souza Cândido, O.L. Franco, and R.E.W. Hancock. (2016) Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1858: 1061-1069 PDF

Alternatives to antibiotics - a pipeline portfolio review.

Czaplewski, L., R. Bax, M. Clokie, M. Dawson, H. Fairhead, V.A. Fischetti, S. Foster, B.F. Gilmore, R.E.W. Hancock, D. Harper, I.R. Henderson, K. Hilpert, B.V Jones, A. Kadioglu, D. Knowles, S. Ólafsdóttir, D. Payne, S. Projan, S. Shaunak, J. Silverman, C.M. Thomas, T.J. Trust, P. Warn, J.H. Rex. (2016) Lancet Infect. Dis. 16: 239-251 (Selected from thousands of recently published articles to be awarded the Elsevier Atlas Award)

Clinical exploitation of genomics data produced by the international Pseudomonas aeruginosa consortium.

Freschi L., J. Jeukens, I. Kukavica-Ibrulj, B. Boyle, M.-J. Dupont, J. Laroche, S. Larose, H. Maaroufi, J.L. Fothergill, M. Moore, G.L. Winsor, S.D. Aaron, J. Barbeau, S.C. Bell, J.L. Burns, M.Camara, A. Cantin, S.J. Charette, K. Dewar, E. Déziel, K. Grimwood, R.E.W. Hancock, J.J. Harrison, S. Heeb, L. Jelsbak, D.T. Kenna, T.J. Kidd, J. Klockgether, J.S. Lam, I.L. Lamont, S. Lewenza, N. Loman, F. Malouin, A.G. McArthur, J. McKeown, J. Milot, H. Naghra, D. Nguyen, S.K. Pereira, G.G. Perron, P.B. Rainey, S. Rousseau, P.M. Santos, A. Stephenson, V. Taylor, J.F. Turton, N. Waglechner, P. Williams, S. Wingaard, G.D. Wright, F.S.L. Brinkman, N.P. Tucker, B. Tümmler, C. Winstanley, R.C. Leveque. (2015) Front. Microbiol. 6: 1036 PDF

Protein Interaction Data Curation - The International Molecular Exchange Consortium (IMEx).

Orchard, S., S.Kerrien, S.Abbani, B.Aranda, J.Bhate, S.Bidwell, A.Bridge, L.Briganti, F.Brinkman, G.Cesareni, A.Chatr-aryamontri, E.Chautard, C.Chen, M.Dumousseau, D.Eisenberg, J.Goll, R.E.W. Hancock, L.Hannick, I.Jurisica, J.Khadake, D.J.Lynn, U.Mahadevan, L.Perfetto, A.Raghunath, S.Ricard-Blum, B.Roechert, L.Salwinski, V.Stümpflen, M.Tyers, P.Uetz, I.Xenarios, and H.Hermjakob. (2012) Nature Methods 9: 345-350 PDF

PSICQUIC and PSISCORE - Accessing and scoring molecular interaction data.

Aranda, B., H. Blankenburg, S. Kerrien, F.S.L. Brinkmann, A. Ceol, E. Chautard, J. De La Rivas, E. Galeota, A. Gaulton, J. Goll, R.E.W. Hancock, R. Isserlin, R. Jimenez, D.J. Lynn, M. Michaut, G. O’Kelly, K. Ono, S. Orchard, C. Prieto, S. Razick, O. Rigina, L. Salwinski, M. Simonovic, A. Winter, G. Wu, G. Bader, G. Cesareni, I.M. Donaldson, D. Eisenberg, J. Overington, S. Ricard-Blum, M. Tyers, M. Albrecht, H. Hermjakob. (2011) Nature Methods 8: 528-529 PDF

Curating the innate immunity interactome.

Lynn, D.J., C. Chan, M. Naseer, M. Yau, R. Lo, A. Sribnaia, G. Ring, J. Que, K. Wee, G.L. Winsor, M.R. Laird, K. Breuer, A.K. Foroushani, F.S.L. Brinkman, and R.E.W. Hancock. (2010) BMC Systems Biology 4: 117 PDF

An iron-starvation inducible LysR-type regulator regulates the polymyxin resistance pmrF operon and controls virulence in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.

Arafah, S., M.-L. Rosso, L. Rehaume, R.E.W. Hancock, M. Simonet, and M. Marceau. (2009) Microbiology 155: 2168-2181


Goldberg, J.G., R.E.W. Hancock, R.E. Parales, J. Loper, and P. Cornelis. (2008) J. Bacteriol. 190: 2649-2662 PDF

Complete genome sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: an opportunistic pathogen

Stover, K.C., X.Q. Pham, A.L. Erwin, S.D. Mizoguchi, P. Warrener, M.J. Hickey, F.S.L. Brinkman, W. O. Hufnagle, D.J. Kowalik, M. Lagrou, R.L. Garber, L. Goltry, E. Tolentino, S. Westbrock-Wadman, Y. Yuan, L.L. Brody, S.N. Coulter, K.R. Folger, A. Kas, R. Lim, K. Smith, D. Spencer, G.K.-S. Wong, Z. Wu, I. Paulsen, J. Reizer, M.H. Saier, R.E.W. Hancock, S. Lory, and M.V. Olson. (2000) Nature 406: 959-964 PDF

Anti-endotoxin potential of cationic peptide antimicrobials.

Gough, M., R.E.W. Hancock and N.M. Kelly. (1996) Infect. Immun. 64: 4922-4927 PDF

Photodynamic action on Escherichia coli of natural acetylenic thiophenes, particularly 5-(buten-l-ynyl)-2,2'-bithienyl.

Downum, K.R., R.E.W. Hancock and G.H.N. Towers. (1983) Photochem. Photobiol. 6: 145-152. PDF